Excellent example of Servo vs. Stepper vs. Feed Speeds. This is by John Dammeyer, developer of the Electronic Lead Screw Project: Electronic Lead Screw Main Page …now I did some experiments as a result of this posting subject. I found if I turned Read more…
Category: Stepper Drivers
Dual Closed Loop Control with KFLOP
The Dynomotion KFLOP controller can control 8 motor axis (either as 4 dual/slaved or 8 independent), complete with 8 dedicated hardware encoder channels (while any generic input could be used in theory for encoding, I understand the general I/O speed Read more…
Stepper Motors, Microstepping vs. Full, Increasing Torque Loss with Microstepping, Encoders on Steppers, Flywheels
There’s a lot of misconception about the subject (case in point: Excellent Reading). I also misinterpreted the information and made assumptions based on my (in)complete understanding of it. As such, here’s some excellent sources of information regarding such: CNCZone: Microstepping. The Read more…