Excellent example of Servo vs. Stepper vs. Feed Speeds. This is by John Dammeyer, developer of the Electronic Lead Screw Project: Electronic Lead Screw Main Page …now I did some experiments as a result of this posting subject. I found if I turned Read more…
Category: Servo Motors
From the ever popular CNCZone: Al_The_Man and Crevice Reamer: CR: Only 3 types of couplers offer true zero backlash connection: Solid. (which can cause problems unless PERFECTLY aligned, Helical, or Oldham. Helicals are basically solid couplers with some alignment flexibility. Make Read more…
Dual Closed Loop Control with KFLOP
The Dynomotion KFLOP controller can control 8 motor axis (either as 4 dual/slaved or 8 independent), complete with 8 dedicated hardware encoder channels (while any generic input could be used in theory for encoding, I understand the general I/O speed Read more…
More Stepper and Servo Wisdom
Again, from CNCZONE: Q.) What are the advantages/disadvantages between steppers and servos? A.) Step motors and servo motors service similar applications, ones where precise positioning and speed are required. The biggest difference is that steppers are operated “open loop”. This Read more…