G-Code (more precisely G and M Code, more formally, RS-274D or other names) is a programming code that dates back circa 1950, and was originally developed to control mechanical machining operations using paper tape. It shows. The last ratified standard Read more…
Author: Al-Hala
Dynomotion KFLOP and KSTEP running from Raspberry Pi using patched version for Linux of KMotionCNC
Who might be interested in this. Anyone that would like to operate their KFlop controlled machine from their phone, tablets or anything with a web browser. Github Repository of the patched system GitHub Parhansson YouTube Link of Operational System
Excellent Blog: Dan Shapiro – CEO, Startup, Glowforge
Motion Controllers (Software and Hardware)
CNC toolchain: CAD -> CAM -> G-Code PostProcessor -> Motion Controller -> Drives A Motion Controller is, well, just that. A structure to control the coordinated motion of at least a singular CNC axis. Motion controllers can be software or hardware based. Read more…
Rigging (suspension and moving of machine tools)
Rigging (in this context) is the act of safely supporting and transporting machine tools. Some pointers: Twisted rope has a much higher sliding coefficient (ropes are rougher). It can take a lot more static tension to overcome sticktion. This makes Read more…
KFLOP C Programming Dissection – My Init.c Pendant Code
#include “KMotionDef.h” // Example Init program that includes “smooth” MPG motion example // which makes use of the exponential motion command. // Which Pins were somewhat arbitrary; 11 I/O were needed, so JP4 and JP6 were used. The remainder were Read more…
KFLOP C Programming Dissection – My Init.c E-Stop Code
#include “KMotionDef.h” int elast=0,elastsolid=-1,ecount=0; // for debouncing estop pushbutton int Debounce(int n, int *cnt, int *last, int *lastsolid); int DoPC(int cmd); #define ESTOP 168 // set to the external estop input bit #define TMP 10 // which spare persist to Read more…
Using USB Microscopes for Optical Comparators, Edge Finding, Centreing
with the rise of inexpensive optical cameras, people have been adapting them for machine tool use. Technitoys – Machine Camera Hobby Machinist – Cheap Optical Comparator http://BangGood (China) USB Microscope Microscope Camera for Mill
One of the better threads summarizing a new CNC purchase
CNC Zone – Help Choosing CNC The big question you need to ask yourself is what do you intend to do with it? I’ll be honest…owning a cnc is sort of like owning a boat. As soon as you buy Read more…
Machine Design: Whitepapers
One of the better papers out there on machine design: Principles of Rapid Machine Design. Good source of information stating how machine tools are accurately measured, scraped into precision: Foundations of Mechanical Accuracy Introduces basic machining operations, setups, procedures: Machining Fundamentals Read more…